The Event

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The event.
On any given day, at an unspecified time, something unexpected happens.
All of humanity, the entire planet, will witness something that has never happened in history.
An extraordinary event will awaken everyone from this torpor.
Some in front of the TV, some on the internet, others will see it with their own eyes.
Nothing will be as it was, everyone will open their eyes and will be able to see beyond the tear of the matrix.
Frame and canvas all built by me.
Technique Alla Prima.
Results images for oil painting at the premiere
The first painting is a technique linked to oil painting and allows you to speed up the times of realization of a painting.


Style Surrealistic
Subject People and portraits
Year created 2021
Size (L x W x H) (cm / inches) 350x210x10 cm
Signed Yes
Shipping Cost Shipping Included
Shipping Time Ready to ship in 1 Business Day
Location 58044, Grosseto, Italy

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