In this mesmerizing artwork, a world of fantastical creatures unfolds, where mystical guardians watch over offspring. The delicate use of soft hues in blues and greens creates an otherworldly atmosphere. This piece invites viewers to explore a realm where the protectors appear ungainly but are swift and stealthy, ensuring safety in this surreal mythological setting.
Style | Surréaliste |
Sujet | Animaux et oiseaux |
Année de création | 2024 |
Dimensions (cm / pouces) | 40x50x2cm |
Signée | Oui |
Frais de livraison | £60 |
Temps d'expédition | Prêt à expédier dans 2-3 jours ouvrables |
Localisation | Keerenderkerkweg 26 6171VL Stein, Limburg, Netherlands |
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