The black Nebbiolo grape variety has long been used to make fine red wine in Italy. Each viewer can see something different in the picture; for this, artists try to give versatility in the interpretation of their works, even in minimalism.
The color of the painting contains many shades of red, more burgundy, like the color of wine.
Style | Abstrait |
Sujet | Abstrait et non figuratif |
Année de création | 2024 |
Dimensions (cm / pouces) | 80x80x1 |
Signée | Oui |
Frais de livraison | Livraison incluse |
Temps d'expédition | Prêt à expédier dans 4-7 jours ouvrables |
Localisation | Veitingergasse 80/1 1130, Vienna, Austria |
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