Glittering Fall In Wyoming

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Encadrée et prête à accrocher

A piece of nature in front of you, depending on the lighting, the black chromatic pictures are due to indoor lighting and the blue chromatic pictures are obtained with sunlight... The work operates just as the sea exposure changing owing to the weather and how the sunlight operates depending on the time of the day.

Ronan Martin has developed a new patented process called the « Flow Resin » that enables a thick resin to drip on a pigment layer base. Three coats of glossy varnish are sprayed on the artwork. This method is registered.

This new technique allows the colors of the background to deliver their intensity, or the opposite to be hidden… Depending on the angle of view and the brightness of the place.

We are sorry but the pictures don’t give the work justice!


This work is rated to 6100 € for this size by I-CAC and AKOUN (Independent quotation institutions, I-CAC has become the reference for worldwide auctioneers).


COA and quotation certificate will be provided in order for the buyer to produce a regular title for a subsequent sale.

Ronan Martin is a contemporary French artist internationally recognized and famous for his rich textures and colorful chromaticism. Actor of the minimalist movement he works in a pure style his paintings and his sculptures.

Apostle of the quotation « less is more », he is registered in the Bauhaus process.

His works are part of a reflection and a cultural process combining simplicity and universality.

The paramount importance of the titles of his works, which are the verbal signifier, the syntax, create a fusional link with his works, the visual signified, the semantics.

More than a mere medium his paintings have become a language.

He develops his themes and conducts his research on subjects which are dear to him such as environmental issues, the depletion of our planet, the extinction of certain species…

Ronan is a famous signature in contemporary art and stands as a major artist of his generation. Present in over 30 countries around the world and represented in important private, public and institutional collections, he is a listed international artist recognized by his peers.


He is classified as one of the most  famous French painters on I-CAC TOP50.

Style Abstrait
Sujet Abstrait et non figuratif
Année de création 2021
Dimensions (cm / pouces) 80X80X4 CM
Signée Oui
Frais de livraison Livraison incluse
Temps d'expédition Prêt à expédier dans 2-3 jours ouvrables
Localisation Occitanie, France

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